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Everything Everywhere All At Once

Bron Williams • June 16, 2024

Embracing Our Unique Passions

Each day we’re bombarded with information and it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of issues demanding our attention - from climate change to social justice, economic disparities to mental health. The vast number of issues that clamour for our attention reminds of the title of a movie: "Everything Everywhere All At Once."

In the midst of the noise, it’s important to remember that we don't have to shoulder the burden of every issue simultaneously. The key lies in choosing our one thing—something we are deeply passionate about—and dedicating our energy and voice to it. As we do, ripples of influence form that inspire and encourage others to engage with their own passions.

When we insist that other people should care about the same issues we do, we often encounter resistance. Criticising others for not seeing what we see or for not talking about the issues we find crucial doesn’t necessarily make them change their viewpoint. More often than not, it makes them defensive, causing them to double down on their existing perspectives.

I’ve seen too many social media post hijacked by people with agendas, taking space and energy away from completely legitimate concerns. As we focus on articulating why our chosen issue matters to us by sharing our story, our passion, and our reasons for caring, those who resonate with our message will hear us and feel inspired to join the conversation. Authenticity and genuine enthusiasm are far more compelling than coercion.

Each of us can become a catalyst for change by channelling our energy into what truly matters to us. Whether it's advocating for mental health awareness, supporting local businesses, volunteering at a homeless shelter, supporting refugees, or protesting wars and genocide, our individual efforts can collectively contribute to a better world. The beauty of this approach is that it respects the diversity of human experience and acknowledges that every issue is important to someone.

Engaging with our chosen passion also allows us to develop expertise and a deeper understanding of the issue. This, in turn, makes our advocacy more effective. When we speak from a place of knowledge and personal experience, our message is more likely to resonate with others. Over time, our dedicated efforts can attract like-minded individuals, creating a community of advocates who amplify each other's voices.

We can’t expect to tackle every issue simultaneously, nor is it helpful to expect others to care as deeply for our passions as we do. Through our collective efforts, by focusing on what we care about, we can address a multitude of concerns.

Choose your one thing.

Care about it deeply.

Talk about it passionately. 

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