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Looking for some great video content about leadership, unconscious bias, and more?

Then check out these videos on my YouTube channel.

Just click on the topic below to find useful videos to support leaders in their personal and professional growth.

Unconscious bias can be tricky to understand and even trickier to identify. To learn more, check out the videos about bias.

Confused about what privilege looks like??

Does it mean that life has always been easy? No!

Does having privilege mean that you've never faced any difficulties, or that life isn't hard for you now? No!

What having privilege means that you haven't faced, everyday, some of the barriers other people face, and hurdles other people have to jump over, just to have the kind of life we can take for granted.

Too often, and for too long, women have been told to sit down, be quiet and play small.

But no longer!

Women are tired of waiting for the proverbial seat at the table. they are building their own spaces and inviting other women to join them.

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