For the next three years, I looked after other people’s houses and pets – dogs and cats (of course), horses, turtles, goats, fish, chickens. I moved every 2 – 4 weeks, with stints at my mum’s place (she was in the last couple of years of her life) or in friends’ spare rooms. I very much enjoyed this gypsy lifestyle but I knew it was tenuous – I knew I was one of the hidden homeless because I had no secure home of my own to return to.
And building a speaking and coaching business was hard in such an unsettled environment but I did speak in the US and picked up a number of clients. I also stared the reality of my own domestic violence experience in the face and came to grips with what it had meant for my life. And I had the unfathomable privilege of, with my sister and my brother and his wife, of seeing Mum through her final year of life, enabling her to live in her own home until the day before she died.