In this week's blog, we delve into a darker myth surrounding women and their power. We have already discussed the misleading notions that women need awakening or rescuing. Now, let's address a more insidious lie – the idea that when women achieve power, they become evil and cruel.
You don’t have to look far to see these tropes in pop culture.
Think of Cruella de Vil, the ice-cold leader in 'The Devil Wears Prada', the Wicked Queen in 'Sleeping Beauty', or Ursula in 'The Little Mermaid'. These
fictional women wield significant power, and they direct it, more often than not, against other women. Beyond the spotlight shining on the heroine is a
lurking, dark myth: that when women gain power, they can only wield it maliciously.
Why does the myth of the malevolent powerful woman persist?
It's as if society acknowledges women's potential for strength but simultaneously fears the nature of that strength. There’s an underlying message that women with power are not to be trusted, as if ascending the power ladder morphs them into heartless entities. This myth isn't confined to fiction. 'The Devil Wears Prada' might be a story, but it mirrors real-world situations where corporate women are perceived as attaining their positions by metaphorically crushing others beneath their stiletto heels.
Yet, the truth starkly contrasts this narrative.
Women are, undoubtedly, powerful. When they occupy positions of power, their leadership often exudes strength, empathy, and compassion. Take, for instance, global leaders like Angela Merkel or Jacinda Ardern. Their periods of influence were marked by resilience, understanding, and inclusive growth.
It's crucial to dismantle the false narrative. Women – let’s not shy away from our power, fearing we'll turn into the next on-screen villain. At the heart of every woman is an intrinsic, unparalleled, and unique power.
Let’s recognise and celebrate this power without tainting it with unjust myths.
Women need not fear their strength. Their power is their essence, and we need to place our trust in it.
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